Urban Imprints: A public art project based in Tampa, Florida.

In late 2022 and early 2023, I left finished art pieces in randomly selected public locations in the City of Tampa. Each piece was free to the public for viewing and anyone was free to take it home for their private collection.

Broke. Spray paint and acrylic. Left in downtown Tampa near a warehouse style parking garage.

Created this with my daughter’s input: spray paint and acrylic. We left it on the Riverwalk underneath one of the bridges on the trail. It was found and taken home by someone shortly after.

“Cant go back”. Spray paint and acrylic. Left near the Riverwalk at a public park.

I polled TikTok to decide what to name this….and then left it on the bridge by the Riverwalk near Ulele.


Miscellaneous Works